What’s Beneath the Sheath: Minimizing Risk and Liability for Ultrasound Probe Usage




This webinar will explore issues associated with ultrasound guided procedures and the legal, reputational, or financial implications.


Russ Nasoff, JD

-Discuss the evolving use of ultrasound in vascular access procedures

-Identify liability risk factors associated with ultrasound gel and the failure to use sterile probe covers

-Discuss the legal, reputational, and financial risks to healthcare providers resulting from outbreaks of contaminated ultrasound components and gel.

-Consider risk and liability minimization strategies that should be utilized with ultrasound.

Mr. Nassof is an attorney who has been involved in the fields of health risk consulting and clinician education for over 20 years, concentrating his work in the areas of infection prevention, and risk/liability minimization for healthcare and environmental risk. He has presented hundreds of seminars and webinars to legal, insurance, loss control, healthcare, and risk management groups throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.  He was the first non-clinician elected to the AVA Board of Directors where he served 6 years and held positions of Secretary and Treasurer. He also served as a reviewer on the 2016 and 2021 INS Standards and currently serves on the AVA Board Development Commission (BDC). Mr. Nassof received his Juris Doctorate and undergraduate degrees from Emory University in Atlanta.